We hope everyone are safe and well!
Due to the interim restrictions put in place in Perth metropolitan and Peel region after local cases detected last week and following the recent 3 day lockdown, we are sadly forced to cancel our upcoming swim lessons this Friday 30th of April 2021.
We will welcome our Friday students back on the following week, 7th of May.
As the current restrictions are planned to be lifted on Saturday 1st of May at 12:01am, we will be able to resume our swimming lessons and classes on Saturday and Sunday this weekend!

We will continue to tune into the news and keep up to date with any announcements that affect our ability to run classes this weekend.
So if anything changes we will notify our students as swiftly as possible!
Crossing our fingers that all goes well and to plan.
We look forward to seeing everyone back in the water again!
Aquanat team